Tuesday, April 2, 2013

tell me when you hear me falling, there's a possibility it wouldn't show

"Women are encouraged to cultivate a pleasing appearance since birth, but never to show satisfaction with their efforts. We're to be always quietly striving without seeming to be, never feeling like we measure up. What makes us beautiful? When we don't know we're beautiful. 

Well, in a world where women spend decades just learning to fucking like ourselves, I consider succeeding an accomplishment, not an embarrassment. So I plan to continue posting pictures of myself looking fly to my various social media accounts. And anybody who doesn't like it can kiss my photogenic ass."  

Things that become 'issues' always amaze the balls off of me. Anyway! This article about man selfies was also pretty interesting. I get so grossed out when dudes post pictures of themselves - I have a visceral reaction to iPhone-in-the-mirror shots of manpersons. For whatever reason this doesn't bother me if they're gay, so I was wondering if I'm just a gender-obsessed asshole who likes to judge people and be a stupid jerk and think things like "WHY ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES OF YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD OBVIOUSLY BE OUT DOING MAN THINGS WITH TOOLS." That is not really what I think but still, ewwwwwwW! at boys taking mirror pictures. SORRY. One time, this was like, over a year ago, I gave my number to someone I probably should have known better than to give my number to. But he was basically an Adonis. Also, he basically spoke zero English. Because he'd been here for all of six seconds before I met him. What is the Jordanian version of an Adonis? Anyway the point of this is that one morning I'm sitting in a training and my phone starts vibrating so obviously I look at it because the training was boring and stupid and also boring. And it's not one, but TWO selfies of the imported gentleman. Pointing at himself with his thumb, like, THIS GUY. Taken in a bodega. There were cans of beans behind him. One of them looked like it'd had its colors inverted using Paint, or something. So I covert-op-like pass the phone to my friend and she rudely passes it around to everybody and the moral is that don't take pictures of yourself and send them to girls because then everybody will laugh at you and the training they are in will be rendered ineffective.The other moral is that I guess I am a hypocrite.

So this is what I'm thinking about when I do things like take pictures of myself in preparation for a link-up, or, if I'm being honest, take pictures of myself because I like to.

I feel like I haven't really been able to focus on writing or anything writing-related outside of school lately. There are lots of goings-on going on, especially in my heart area, but also in my ohyayigotintotheprogramiwantedtogetinto! area and in my whyismoneysuchagoddamnpainintheasstofigureout area and in other areas also.

(I wish I could just flip a coin and know what I'm supposed to do. How are you supposed to choose between humans? Do I have to choose, necessarily?)