Thursday, December 29, 2011

I just found this and wanted to share it somewhere, and since this is the only internet outlet I have left... well. Here. Right now I am digesting the biggest veggie burrito on the face of ever, with my beautiful friend/fellow traveler who I haven't seen in two years! We're giving into the itis for a bit while we wait for three other lovely ladies to drive in, and then tomorrow yet another friend arrives. It's cozy in my (clean!! so clean) apartment right now, even though my roommates and I refuse to turn the heat on until February/our extremities turn black and fall off, and I'm looking forward to spending the next few days catching up with friends I haven't been geographically close to in far too long, filling up on good food and cheap wine and love. I love run-on sentences. LOVE them. Inspired by the link I just shared, I might also [re?]start a conversation of the romantic variety. So that's what's happening this very minute, I bet you were wondering. There's so much going on and I think of fifty different things to write about every day, I just don't have the time. I'll try harder, maybe. Oh and my school won the Glee contest. They couldn't have done it without us, blogger. Now to test the quality of my 99-cent store bottle opener... RIP mustache.