Thursday, October 30, 2014

Most certainly I'm where I'm supposed to be

No matter now if the compass fails again
Cause in your love I've built a home

This song is stuck in my head. Like, jammed the fuck in there like that guy who got the pole stuck in his head but lived but was really mad all the time. Or something. The video is kind of dumb I think, but I am viewing it through the lens of a really very intense Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis love/foreverimpressiononmysoul from watching Thelma & Louise forty-hundred times during my formative years. Also the lens of not really getting/liking trance music but when your boyfriend's friend gives him free tickets to see whoever-and-such at MSG you go, I guess, and you try not to hate it. Even though those "free tickets" cost you a lipstick and a chapstick and three lighters because of drug smuggling even though you weren't smuggling lip-moistening drugs at all, although maybe you would've if it'd occurred to you, but it didn't, but anyway you still smell other people's drug smoke during the concert and you are bitter not because of their poor life choices but because of your three-dollar chapstick and the fact that you are not a better liar.

Sometimes instead of writing nasty emails that really need to be written because WHO DOES ANYBODY THINK THEY ARE? I look at youtube for a long time and fake-blog about concerts I went to weeks ago. Maybe just will stroke the keyboard for a while. j lskad jelkdafs.xzc'ad that's better.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"There’s no value in digging shallow wells in a hundred places. 
Decide on one place and dig deep."

(Love might be choosing the pictures where you think he looks the cutest even though you look weird and squinty-eyed.) (Also tell me why I'm blogging during class HOW HAVE I HAD SENIORITIS SINCE PRESCHOOL.)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Some things that take other people not that long,
take me forever and ever.

Take me, for ever and ever.

Friday, October 10, 2014

boardwalk recruits

We need to print pictures like we keep saying we're going to, 
well like I keep saying I'm going to and you keep saying "You keep saying you're going to and you never do" 
and put them in frames and put them on the walls next to Joni and Billy and Paul and Art. Because our apartment just looks like a bigger version of my bedroom, kind of, and because the focal point of my decor can't forever be the purple tapestry I bought in seventh grade and have brought with me everywhere I've lived since 
(yes it can.) I took this the day my fifty-dollar birthday camera came in the mail, remember? 

In pursuit of things to put in frames, I spent the last hour looking at the pictures I've taken since January and playing with them and thinking about all of the things I didn't get pictures of. 
I'm going to invent a frame for sounds a person remembers, or a frame that smells like things that remind you of other things. 
I want to take visitors by the elbow and lead them to a frame and show them how I've captured the way your t-shirt wrinkles over your arms when you hold yourself up next to me. 
I'll say, Don't his laughs really tie the whole room together? 
(You have different laughs, they each need their own frame I think.)

I know what you're thinking: "She didn't take this one. It's of herself!" 
Well, I'll have you know that one of my hobbies now is to take tripods to
beer gardens as dates. 
No it isn't, why am I being weird?
I haven't slept in a long time, is why. 
You should have inferred that by the fact that I am talking to the internet,
which I only ever do if there is something I HAVE to do SOON that I'm putting off
or if I'm very tired and laying somewhere but too tired for sleeping.
Also someone I know is getting me some cheese from Brooklyn 
and so the polite thing for me to do is stay awake until he gets home
even though I won't because I'm rude.

I didn't take this one either but
look how good I am at being a model in it.
You can barely even tell how much I'd rather be at home
wearing pants with a forgiving waistline.