Thursday, March 28, 2013

i know life is long but it goes so fast



- Waiting outside during the fire drill this morning, I pretended to be on the phone so that people wouldn't try to talk to me.

- Yesterday/the day before I ate an entire bag, minus maybe four, of Hershey's candy-coated chocolate Easter eggs. I also recently drank a half gallon of chocolate milk. In one sitting. Which is impressive because milk is hard to digest, so you see, I am challenging myself.

- Secretly, I really don't want to go out tonight. Or tomorrow night. I know it's one of those times where once I get dressed and out the door I'll be glad I went, but right now, I just want to take my tights off and I'm definitely in a classroom and there are definitely people in here. Which isn't to say they're staying on, the tights I mean, what would the people be getting off of? just, you know, I wanted you to have a clear picture.

- I walked into the men's bathroom today, USED the bathroom, and it wasn't until I was washing my hands that I realized the walls were a different color and I STILL didn't get it. I legitimately was trying to figure out how they could have repainted the whole bathroom since the last time I used it two hours ago.

- A middle-aged-ish woman in front of me didn't hold the door open on the way outside the building during the aforementioned fire drill. She just walked straight through. And it pissed me off so much because really really really lady someone just held the door open for you? because of DOOR WALKING THROUGH ETIQUETTE THAT WE ARE ALL BASICALLY BORN WITH? and there are fifty jillion of us exiting this building right now? and do you really really think you're the last person? no, you're just the worst. So I entertained the thought of pushing her down the stairs, is the confession.

- I just started a blog about confessing things because I wanted to talk about my fire-drill related guilt.

- I love you.