Friday, March 22, 2013

i'm going to live i'm all right i'm going to die it's all right i'm okay

This is why I won't invest in a nice camera. I am the destroyer of digital worlds.

You know how on blogs and stuff, a lot of people's lives are just regular but they look really super duper awesome?

I would learn how to do that, except that my regular life includes mimosas ...I just started to list all of the things I love about lately but there's too many. I feel so much better than I have been feeling, and by better I mean not obsessing about nothing. Except that's kind of misleading because I'm actually super sick right now. But today is almost over, and I'm going to go home and drink ten gallons of Nyquil and snuggle the fur off my cats and not move at all except to make my mom take me on a date to see Oz.

I just realized I left 'mimosas' up there by accident when I deleted the list, and I'm going to leave it because more than anything else I love Trader Joe's chardonnay. Suck it, friends.