Monday, December 14, 2020

Today it rained. Oh, how it rained. A cursed freezing rain. SO. This afternoon I filled the tub with water and some big Legos, balanced my laptop on the sink, and worked in the bathroom for an hour while Joe played Water World. I cannot recall other details of this day because the second the clock struck five I poured myself a glass of wine. (It wasn't a bad day. I just like wine and quite frankly the fact that I have stayed sober during every daylight hour so far of popsicle stick crafts and PBS Kids and Teams meetings should earn me a free goddamn pass to drink whatever I want to, okay? OKAY? I'M NOT BEING DEFENSIVE HOW DARE YOU? HOW DO YOU EVEN DARE?) What I can tell you is that right now there's a naked baby doll relaxing in the cat's water fountain, and when I finish up whatever this is I've got half a mind to join her.

When Joe grows up I'll be able to explain how weird the world was when she was little, and how every day I spent watching her grow up felt like a little miracle no matter how bleak everything else got, but for now it has to be enough that we get through every day. And we do. And there is a lot of giggling and cuddling, and sometimes we have the same hair style so I think we're doing pretty great all things considered: