Thursday, September 24, 2015

So Mercury's retrograde right now, and while it's not like I'm over here checking my horoscope every day I do think that those giant rocks moving around up there have an impact on the vibrations here on Planet Lindsay. Today was quiet at work - for most of the day it was just me and one other guy, and we spent the day talking smack about every vendor who called and interrupted our webMDing if we could blame our allergies on the air in the office. (I swear he is the middle aged Filipino version of me.) In between googling air purifiers and doing actual work, I suddenly got nostalgic for teenagehood. For no reason at all that I can think of, except for Mercury.

Anyway I started listening to some songs that I listened to in high school and here is a random, random sampling in no order whatsoever - I cannot create a cohesive playlist to save my life, but I tried to put the songs I cried to a lot... obviously, then, this is a very small sampling. I've also included some of the lyrics that made appearances in either my AIM profile or on my Myspace, because, memories. Misty water-colored memories.

Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups

"...impossible, if possible."

Lua - Bright Eyes

"But me I'm not a gamble, 
you can count on me to split. 
The love I sell you in the evening 
by the morning won't exist."

You Had Time - Ani DiFranco

"You are a china shop and I am a bull. 
You are really good food and I am full. 
...and you will take the heavy stuff, 
and you will drive the car, 
and I'll look out the window and make jokes 
about the way things are."
BONUS: I was also obsessed with the movie in this clip. I actually think the movie might have been what made me start listening to Ani DiFranco in the first place. The first time I saw it I was in the eighth grade, and the end shocked the hell out of me for some reason and I couldn't stop laughing. Which was... revealing. Ahem.

Going Away to College - Blink 182

"I haven't been this scared in a long time, 
and I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine:
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody... 
this world's an ugly place, 
but you're so beautiful to me."

Blood Red Summer - Coheed and Cambria

"When the answer that you want 
is in the question that you state..."

Everywhere - Bran Van 3000

"Everywhere I see your face 
is everywhere you sang your smile and 
every time you're not around doesn't matter 
cause you're everywhere to me."

Back in Your Head - Tegan and Sara

"Remember when I was so strange and likable?
...I'm not unfaithful, but I'll stray."

Samson - Regina Spektor

"And the history books forgot about us 
and the bible didn't mention us - 
not even once."

Maggie - Colin Hay

"You taught me how to sink or swim; 
when I was scared that day, 
you just pushed me in."

A Case of You - Joni Mitchell (I still listen to this song at least once a week. At least.)

" prepared to bleed."

And just to temper some of the angst (although, really, this next song's pretty fucking angst-y too):
Da Mystery of Chessboxin' - Wu Tang Clan

Which I of course listened to while riding around in either a boat-sized 1980-something Buick or in my friend's mom's Subaru. "Raw I'ma give it to ya," indeed.