Monday, September 28, 2015

my sun, my moon, and all my stars

Saturday was free museum day, so naturally we stayed in bed until two o'clock and got to the Morgan Library half an hour before closing. I pretended to be Belle for an entire thirty minutes, which, yes, IS what I do every day anyway instead of exercise. But. Sometimes it's nice to do it in an actual library.

In all seriousness - thirty minutes in a place like that without being allowed to touch anything is about all I can take without breaking. I maybe almost cried, which is not unusual.

I've said this before and stuck to it like anything sticks to something that isn't sticky, but I want to document more of this season of my life. I've made such very deliberate choices in order to wind up where I am, and I'm so very grateful for what I get to do and where I get to be. Even when it's shitty. Which it is sometimes. But more often, it's lovely and weird and mine.

I'm going to try to post something here once a day, small or silly or otherwise. Because I'm so happy to be here, now, to be alive in the place where I'm living with the people I'm living alongside. Allow me to indulge in one Rumi quote and then you can enjoy pictures of this weekend, some of which have been impressively taken from the most unflattering angles in the history of photography, DIEGO MARTINEZ.

I am an image you stitch with gold thread
on a tapestry, the least figure,
a playful addition.
But nothing you work on is dull.
I am part of the beauty.