Monday, March 30, 2015

I was thinking "New Week's Resolutions"

So I have a lot of words? They sound good together when they're in my head, like, in the morning when I'm looking at the water and watching my neighbors walk their dogs before I have put on lipstick and go be a person. They also sound pretty good when I'm in the shower or getting my nails done or holding a phone four inches away from my ear because SOMEONE IS VERY DISGRUNTLED - pretty much any time my hands are not available for pinning those babies to paper, the words are there. So in other words (they have to be other words, mine aren't good right now, I just explained that to you don't look at me like that) not now. Not when I am sitting here, smelling pineapple sriacha chicken salad with honey lime dressing being prepared for flight to my face. And not when I just spent my rent money on ebooks. ("Oh thanks Mom this will be so great for school!" ajjafjajajajahaha ja. ja.)

I took these on my walk home from work today. From, you know, the new job I got without telling anyone I was even looking (besides my boyfriend - he can't hide the creepy dried shrimps with eyes in our "kitchen" cabinets, I can't hide extreme exhaustion for long.) Also I got a haircut bye.