Thursday, March 5, 2015

"Your whole life is a break, Lindsay," said the Chorus That I Think Of You All As.

The place where I work plays Sirius XM "The Blend." It was once known as "All Cher, All The Time" and is often known as "The Station That Makes Everyone Hate Rod Stewart."

(I like Cher. And my mom used to sing "Forever Young" to me as a lullaby. But stay with me.)

This is the only song I have not gotten sick of hearing on repeat a million billion times:

(Am I wrong for saying that I choose another way?)

I didn't realize the singer (singers? also never heard of this/these artist(s?) before) is African - nope, sorry, they're "Afro-Norwegian" according to the website I just googled to make sure I didn't make a mistake and look like I don't know what I'm talking about. THAT IS A TERRIBLE SENTENCE BUT I WON'T FIX IT BECAUSE THIS ISN'T A REAL BLOG POST. It's just a post to tell you that I want to put more things here. And will. Soon. Anyway, I didn't realize because their voices are sort of mechanical-y, right? And also the PA system or speaker system or whatever you call it at my work and/or The G-Damn Blend watered down the cool African drum-y thing going on in the song. I'm so pissed about this - I wonder if I really would like listening to Cher's worst songs on repeat if The Bland didn't bland them all up so much. And do you know, sometimes someone will be like, "Oh I like this song very much, have you heard it?" and I have to be like "YOU LIKE THAT SONG WHO ARE YOU!?" and then I am not that person's friend anymore. Because no I do not like that song, but now I'm rethinking my likes because I think I may just be the victim of severe Brain Blending. I'm very confused and upset, is what I'm trying to tell you.

Keep it moving, Lindsay. Don't read back over what you just wrote. Don't do it. Don't. Because then you will lose an hour and you've allotted only five minutes for this. Head up. Eyes forward. Hit return. Onward, soldier.

Okay. Anyway, I only just today really paid attention to the lyrics of the song and realized why it probably stood out to me as far less sucky than the others. (Honestly, really, how much are the labels paying to be the ONLY five songs on this station? And how much are they paying public places to play that station? And also, I've been letting the Youtube playlist go and it's literally playing The Blend playlist on its own. Gblah. From now on I will only listen to underground music. As in, music that is literally made underground. By moles. Or gophers. Ooh, also: Sounds of Earthworms.)

Which led me to think about how, for all of the randomness there is to be had all around us, there is still much that harmonizes in the universe. I am of the "everything happens for a reason" school of thought but also of the school next door where they sell cigars and their slogan is that "It is what it is." (A cigar. It's just a cigar. Sometimes.)

PS, Do yourself a favor in between obsessively refreshing my blog for updates about how fancy I am. Type "Sounds of Earthworms" into YouTube. When you get to the Muppets, stop and thank me.

PPS I have successfully NOT SAID ONE REAL THING. Also, successfully completed a non-edited, non-re-read blog post. I'm not counting it as free writing because I took too many breaks.