Thursday, October 25, 2012

If one more person makes me watch a video of someone getting arrested at a Paul Ryan event, I swear to goddess. It's so upsetting and I can't not cry. And I like that NOT. Every time the election comes up, which is every second of every day, I get all tense and emotional and end up in the fetal position under the closest piece of furniture. Not really but yes, kind of really. There are more than enough people clogging up social media with their opinions so I won't do that here, except to say that I don't understand what's so hard to understand about human rights. Plus mostly everybody knows that my politics are: Cats, snacks, let adults love up on whatever other adult they want to (unless that adult is me and I clearly have ear-buds nestled in my earholes and you are a clueless male blind to social cues), I get to be the landlord of my own uterus, social security is not a gift, war is too goddamn expensive... except wait. This is what I didn't want to do.

New plan: I'm the King of everybody. /nausea

You guys, I made myself the best study flash cards ever. Because another politic of mine is that academic accoutrements should be cute. And probably while I'm studying them on the train, someone will see them and fall in love with me because of my scholarly and fashionable innovation. So the next time I post here I will be engaged to someone super attractive and wealthy who also happens to ride MetroNorth. IT COULD HAPPEN.

Have a good weekend! <3>