Friday, September 28, 2012

Whenever I want you, all I have to do...

Generally, I remember most of my dreams. Or at least I remember that I had them. Over the past year I noticed that I was dreaming a lot less, and the best I can figure is that it had to do with not getting enough sleep and not sleep-cycling enough, or something. (Obviously I am a scientist.) And when I did dream, it was my subconscious trying to trick me into thinking I wanted to snuggle with one of my coworkers. (Mission accomplished, brain. Mission. Accomplished.) Anyway, I've been enjoying watching brain movies at night again. Even the scary ones. (Does anyone else find a part of themselves enjoying their nightmares? In middle school my friend and I would purposely try to have them. One time she heard that if you ate chocolate right before you went to sleep it would give you nightmares, and so we ate like six mini Milky Ways before bed that night. I only got a stomachache. Note to self: Perhaps middle school would have been slightly easier for you if you had been conditioning your hair instead of stuffing your face with candy bars at night. Just a thought.)

EXCEPT LAST NIGHT. Last night I had the worst nightmare I have ever had in my whole history of nightmaring. I went to sleep. ONLY NOT REALLY. It was horrible. I was dreaming that I was lying in the exact same position in my bed, trying to go to sleep, and I couldn't. And I was really worried that I would be too tired to wake up in the morning. So I worried myself awake and realized that I HAD been sleeping after all. And then I'd eventually fall back to sleep, and have THE SAME DREAM. Did I say how horrible it was? Are you getting that? That went on until about midnight, and finally I had some normal dreams about chubby babies and a child that was mine but not really and having to go to see a movie at two in the morning. I hope it wasn't a disturbance when I walked into class this morning dragging an IV of coffee.