Friday, September 7, 2012

It's been a whole YEAR since this? What the what!

 I am in the process of getting all of my important documents (ie, music that took me years to "accumulate" in the not entirely legal sense, random pictures from the few times I remembered I had a camera, and nonsensical half-written drafts of things) off of my old, sickly laptop. My nerdier more technologically-inclined  friends are all like, oh you can just do this this and this and it'll take like two seconds and you'll have all your stuff. But kind of, I don't know how/don't feel like it. And kind of, I like the process of going through years of shit and picking and choosing what I think is most important to keep. If I just move it all somewhere else all the less important stuff will still be all mixed in with the good things and then I'd become this like, file hoarder, knowing it's all there but never actually going through it. Every few days I give it about ten minutes and then either a) it shuts down on me and I give up, or b) I have something actually productive to do. So by the time my next piece of technology (boop boOp bing Boop) fails I will have salvaged everything from this one. SUCCESS. In any case I didn't mean to say this much about that, as INCREDIBLY FASCINATING as it is, but my first class got out half an hour early (I paid good money to space out while you talk for TWO hours, lady, quit ripping me off) and because I am still getting used to this whole "having downtime" thing I get confused about what to do and start rambling. Aren't you so glad. Anyway, wanna see some more pictures from a year ago? OKAY LOOK:

No one is sure how that couch was brought into the apartment (it is obviously physically impossible, so my theory is that it was built there; probably, it has structural significance to the house.) I'm not sure how many tenants' butts it has seen. What is sure is that it is the ugliest couch in the history of ever.


And guess who chopped all her hair off again! This girl. Don't worry, it's back now.