Friday, November 8, 2013

you can tell it's real when balding older men look approvingly on

Guys, I found love down under. Because technically I met him in a basement and also, Mexico.

Also also, as you probably definitely already know, I did not in fact return to Connecticut, ie the fiscally responsible place of residence (relatively), at the end of the summer. Instead! When my friends said, hey, we're going to give up our cute apartment in Astoria to live in Morningside Heights and pay forty million dollars and the blood of our firstborn children in rent every month, I said Yes. I'm in. And now I live in a princess house. Being me is equal parts nice and terrifying because I DO WHATEVER I WANT.

I'm going to try to start blogging again, I didn't super mean to stop doing it to begin with. Emphasis on the try, though. Don't get your hopes up just yet because (1) I'm still in computer purgatory, (2) I haven't had a working camera in over a year and (3) Neither one of those things is a thing which I feel very motivated to change, because at the bottom of my soul I am a poor dirty hippie whose phone still flips and I feel fine about it. However, I will be starting school again soon which will force me to have a computer that works kind of which will mean lots of time blogging instead of schoolworking.

(Side note: This summer I went off the grid for like three weeks and it was kind of awesome.)

Obviously I have seventy hundred sidenotey stories to share with you but you and they will have to wait because actually the only reason I'm on the internet right now is because I wanted to send my mom some pictures of the man I'm dragging home for Christmas so I stole some from my roommate's facebook. And then I stalked Samantha Irby and some other blogs I'm twelve years behind on and then it was 2034 and I woke up with a beard. (Actually just a really itchy face mask that I left on too long. MY PORES ARE SO CLEAN.) And since both of my live-in life partners are away for the weekend I'm making mi guapo novio stay with me here for a change because one cannot get too used to luxury apartments or else one will forget what her real status in life is. And that will not do. Anyway he likes to "leave the house" and "do activities" so I should probably go "take a shower" and "be a human." Or at least powder my face into oblivion until I closely resemble something that might have been human at one or more points.

So I miss you, sort of, blogger & co. Seeyouagainsoonmaybe. In the meantime, here are some irrelevant pictures of me in costume (only one of the occasions was Halloween)/taking pictures underground because waiting for trains is boring/me being really really extremely photogenic and not ruining any picture ever:

If Wilma, Pebbles & Dino had access to Target, North Face & Old Navy then they'd have worn sweatshirts, too.

I'm so fucking attractive you can't even deal with it.

I thought this picture was us getting photobombed but apparently we knew those guys? I prefer to believe the photobombing thing because I'm sure that even if I did know them I didn't like them.

HAIR WRAPS. And yes, I wore it in the world. Like an adult lady.
