Tuesday, May 14, 2013

it's a trap!

You want to know how annoying it is that I have three days of classes left, but I'm not done until next Thursday? A LOT ANNOYING, IS HOW. But it's fine. I actually can't believe I've been in school for two consecutive semesters. A whole year, guys! And I only spent a teeny tiny bit of it researching ashrams to join in India.

Anyway then summer will be here and I'll be living in the city forever. Or September. Whichever comes first. (I think forever does.)

So I just have to get through this next weekish and the random days off I have in between finals and things that I can't really do too much with. Which shouldn't be too hard and I really should shut up about it because I'll be spending them in the sun on my deck. (Even though I was laying out there yesterday in my "no one is going to see me in this so it doesn't matter that this is basically invisible" bikini and I woke up from my sun-induced doze to a bunch of random men right underneath me ALLEGEDLY "doing work" in my yard. UM WHAT HI. I'M NAKED. So I sort of gathered up the blanket I was sitting on around me Ariel-when-she-first-gets-her-legs style and crept around the corner and back inside the house and waited until they left to go back out again. And then a few days earlier, same situation, all alone in my alone-time bikini, and who drives through waving at me from his lawnmower but my ONE neighbor. Who is basically blind, but still. I was uncomfortable for the both of us. And DON'T tell me to wear more clothes because I won't do it. I will not.)

This was a fake post in which I said a lot of things without saying any thing. And you fell for it. But I still like you.