Thursday, May 16, 2013

glad i didn't die before i met you

CURRENTLY, I am living in squalor. WHERE IS MY BED. Where is it. Where.

Trying to Make Time For: Seeing my friends around here. Studying for my last finals. Being a real person. You would think, with three whole days a week now completely free and devoid of responsibility, that I would be getting so many things done. And having adventures. And getting dressed. But you would be wrong, friend of mine. So very wrong. My bed is somewhere in that picture up there. IT IS. I swear. I also swear that there are not seventeen other cats in various states of alive-ness underneath the one cat you can see, even though if you are anything like me you looked at that picture and heard the sound bit from Hoarders. I have a queen sized bed and the space I am utilizing for sleep and not for crap storage is smaller than a cradle.

Should be Doing Instead of Blogging: Memorizing questions for my Spanish oral. That I'm supposed to do in an hour. Only I will bet you my entire checking account* that Senora will not be where she said she was going to be when I go to that place. And the four and a half minutes I'm going to spend furiously flipping flash cards right before I walk down there will be for naught. FOR NAUGHT. Also just remembered have like seventeen other assignments I'm supposed to give to her. What up, google translate. What. Is. Up.

*Don't get too excited. It's pretty bleak. SUZE ORMAN GET IN MY LIFE.

Washing Your Hair?: Bahahahahahhaha ha. hahaha.

Taking Dumb Pictures of Yourself for Dumb Reasons/No Reasons?: Have we met.

 Wishing: That New England would get its act together. Why is spring not a thing here? I guess maybe because we get to have such pretty autumns and the universe is afraid of spoiling us? Whatever, it's fine. And let's be serious, I am in no kind of hurry to put away my grandpa sweaters. No hurry at all. Yesterday morning I sat in the sunshine for twenty minutes, which turned out to be all of the sunshine for the whole day because then it rained ice water forever and I wore fourteen bathrobes and every pair of socks I own and cried. Today it's supposed to be 80 degrees and so I am wearing a dress and bravely did not bring a sweater with me* because of optimism.

*This is not the truth.

Reading: I can't make myself be interested in anything. Which means, obviously, cycling through Stephen Kings for the umpteen millionth time.

Listening to: So I still have Bright Eyes on my iPod. I know. Let's just not talk about it. Let's also not talk about the fact that I still have like a second generation iPod and my phone still flips and YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S VINTAGE, IT MEANS I'M COOL. Except to say, that, listening to these songs now and remembering how connected I felt to the lyrics in high school is a lot of hilarious.

Anticipating: One more week. One more week. One more week.

Wishing:  That I hadn't failed so hard and so immediately at my "Not Buying Any Clothes in May!" idea. Look at me, taking credit for other people's ideas. It was actually this cute lady's idea, sorry I tried to trick you before. Anyway it was a really, really good idea, whoseever whoevers who ever's (how do you say that? why don't I know anything? donde!? por que!) idea it was. (Mine.) (Nope.) Even though my version of "extravagance" is buying something that costs more than four dollars at Savers, when you buy a million things that are less than four dollars that still adds up to more dollars than I have, because of math. (Damn it. I have math to study too. STOP DISTRACTING ME.) And I thought, oh, this combined with not smoking anymore will make me stop having panic attacks about money!

But then I blacked out and bought a pair of sandals. Which, in my defense, I really needed because of not knowing how to walk and therefore all of my other sandals looking like garbage shoes from garbage town.

MORE CAT PICTURES! PLEASE!: Well, fine, you twisted my arm.