Monday, November 26, 2012

and the reason that i do not fall into this street is love


Loving: My super-tidy, filled-with-clean-laundry closet. (Finally unpacked all suitcases. Now - someone give me a reason to pack another one!) Old friends getting in touch with me. New friends from unexpected places. Most recently thrifted treasures, including, and I know I always say this but it's because it's always true, the most dreamiest dream dress that Dreamy McDreamerson ever dreamed.

Reading: A book about Catholicism that will probably inspire its own post. I just finished:
Kafka on the Shore, Haruki Murakami
Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Jenny Lawson
The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
The Abortionist's Daughter, which I thought said "The Abolitionist's Daughter" and was a little disappointed when I got it home and realized my mistake. Related - my mom and I went on a date to see Lincoln this weekend and I liked it lots. My favorite part was when Abe was all "OMFG you guys. Get. Your. Shit. Together. I AM THE PRESIDENT." That's a direct quote.*

I want/need to start keeping track of the books I read because I keep starting new books only to realize that I've already read them. Which is mostly fine because I like re-reading books, only it happened the other day with A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and who forgets reading a heartbreaking work of staggering genius?

*That is not a direct quote.

Watching: Have we met? I don't watch TV. I may or may not be the most out-of-touch person you know. I don't know who you know. But if you know me then it's probably me.

I'm lying though because I totally just watched The Mindy Project on hulu because Mindy would have had hurt feelings if I didn't. And I am dying for the next season of Downton Abbey to show up on Netflix, also Parenthood, also The United States of Tara.

Anticipating: The end of this semester, which will be known in my head forever as The First Semester Lindsay Actually Applied Herself, or maybe as The Semester Wherein Lindsay Realized She is Some Kind of Prodigy and Went Into Hiding in Order to Avoid Being Kidnapped by the Government and Subjected to a Litany of Tests. Le sigh.

Listening to: The daycare babies practicing for what sounds like either a Christmas concert or the end of days. In the case of the latter it'll be the cutest end ever.

Planning: What my life will look like next semester - and beyond! Buzz Lightyear will be involved on some level.

Working on: Christmas cards. And by 'working on' I mean it keeps occurring to me at odd moments that I need to update my addresses. And make cards. And by the time I do those things it will be next Christmas and the whole thing will start over.

Wishing: I could live at The Plaza like Eloise. Speaking of Christmas.