Remember how I intended a bunch of stuff? If I check in now and then set December intentions, that means this last week of November can be like a free-for-all right? Right.
- Quit smoking. I’m doing so great. We are defining “great” as: Eating grilled cheese with a side of macaroni and cheese for lunch two days in a row. Death by cheese may be preferable to death by cigarettes, for many reasons, but I am now officially qualified to assure you that it is no less stinky. On the bright side, I’ve got plenty of ammo for when rude men take up too much space next to me on the bus. Plenty of ammo and zero shame. So. There’s that. Also I lost track of how long it’s been, so I’m just using concerts as mental time-markers. This method serves the dual purpose of letting people know how healthy and good of a person I am, and also giving me ample opportunity to continue discussing how much fun I had at Tegan and Sara a couple of weeks ago. I HAD SO MUCH FUN (not smoking). THERE WERE EMOTIONS EVERYWHERE (but no cigarette smoke). I WISH MY WHOLE LIFE WAS A TEGAN AND SARA CONCERT (and it will be such a long life barring bus accidents because I don’t smoke anymore). Etc. In December I intend to be more mindful of replacing cigarettes with cheese.
- Keep not eating meat. I’m the actual worst. I ate pepperoni pizza twice without the thought even occurring to me that pepperoni is meat. And while I’ve completely switched over to non-dairy milks, I have eaten more cheese in the past two weeks than I usually eat in a year. So nothing makes sense and everything is awful. Moving on. I'll do better next month. Or at least I intend to.
- Journal. So anyway, we got our Christmas tree last night! Over a month before Christmas is the perfect time, I think. What also made it the perfect time was that we had just left the pharmacy where I’d been told that my insurance company won’t pay for my prescriptions anymore unless I sign up for some stupid mail-order thing that they sent me a letter about a week ago and that I neglected to read or care about. Don’t send me mail or leave me voice messages. Also don’t show up at my house unannounced, and don’t text me either. Also also I don’t read emails. Just leave me alone and pay for my drugs, everyone! GOD’S SAKE. So Diego, who is almost as good at intercepting my meltdowns as he is at causing them, steered us toward a Christmas tree stand and saved the night. And then I figured out my medicine later on, while I was high on the scent of pine trees, as everyone should be while coordinating with their healthcare providers.
I have work to do that requires paying attention now, and also I forgot what we were talking about. But hey, by the way, guess what! I haven't smoked for three shows, including TEGAN AND SARA WHERE I FELT ALL THE FEELINGS. Just in case I forget to mention it enough.