I don't know, you guys. I feel like I could definitely be a full-time fashion blogger. Kindergarteners are practically teaching themselves these days anyhow. I will call this chapter of my memoir "The Time a Link-Up Altered My Life Trajectory."
But that won't be out for a while so in the meantime LOOK AT THESE PICTURES OF ME:

I only look miserable because it's five in the morning and my smile was still in bed.
I like this dress because it's made out of some weird material that feels a lot like wearing a hug.
The problem with this dress is that it creepily bunches up in the middle and if I'm not careful
my ovaries wind up exposed to the elements. Plus, lumpy-looking.
On the regular, I find dresses and get really excited about them only to realize
that they are NOT dresses, they are jumpers. And generally I think jumpers should be
reserved for people who are four. But this one was practically free and I really liked the neckline,
so I thought MEH and brought it home and cut out the shoulder pads. And it was fine,
until I had to pee. And let me tell you, "Neglecting to Take Bodily Functions into Account
Whilst Making Purchases" is going to have to be another chapter of my memoir because if telling
the story of how you spent too many minutes shivering half-dressed in a cold stall while
praying that there wouldn't be some sort of emergency evacuation isn't literary gold,
then I don't know what is.
Whilst Making Purchases" is going to have to be another chapter of my memoir because if telling
the story of how you spent too many minutes shivering half-dressed in a cold stall while
praying that there wouldn't be some sort of emergency evacuation isn't literary gold,
then I don't know what is.
And because of honesty:
What I Wore to go to school and then to the train station
and then to put a lot of dinner into my mouth and then to make
gestures at "staying in and studying" in an attempt to make up for the
poor life choices that would be made over the next few days.