Saturday, April 11, 2020

Some days I pack six hours of work into Joe's two-hour nap, and on other days I need to use that time to lie down with the cat. 


All of the rooms we live inside of have stayed clean and more or less tidy, even though some days the amount of work involved in that really does feel unreasonable to expect of a person who just would like to please lie down on the floor for a while with her eyes closed.

We (me, I) usually stick to vinegar type solutions for cleaning toilets and stoves and things except when it seems absolutely necessary to use harsher chemicals, mainly because I like the smells better and it's all just easier on the nose and hands and various surfaces. Also vinegar is very cheap, if you didn't know. (Put some orange oil drops in, it's fine.)

The thing is that a pandemic is one of the times when it seems absolutely necessary to have some Clorox wipes and bleach around so I bought some, and I don't know what it is about the smell of bleach but it did something to me. This morning I went to mix a little solution in a spray bottle to keep at the top of the stairs where we come inside and then - I'm guessing this next part about my pupils, there weren't any mirrors around so I don't know what my face looked like - my pupils dilated and I grabbed the mop and bleached the holy heck out of the walls in the hallway (it's just walls around the staircase, is that a hallway?) until my arms got tired and I calmed down enough to be aware of my surroundings again and remembered I had a daughter I was supposed to be making breakfast for.

Anyway I can't reach most of the walls, since they are built around a staircase and I am not ten feet tall. So now I don't know what to do. How do people clean tall walls above staircases? I guess when the walls get dirty you just knock the house down and build a new one, probably. I'd better go speak to the landlords.

Also today I cleaned underneath the radiator in our bathroom and I just am really so pleased with myself.