Wednesday, March 8, 2017

It was snowing so I took the train. There was an empty seat next to a young man in a big puffy coat, so I sat down in it. I did this even though he was drinking coffee out of a jam jar - a behavior I am equal parts admirable of and irritated by. I find that my morning commute is not ideal for feelings so divergent in nature, and yet. I sat. As we moved along toward the city and the jobs/appointments/whatever stupid things that required us to be out in the snow instead of inside our apartments drinking coffee and wearing soft pants, the young man replaced the lid on the jar and put it into his backpack after every sip. Lid off, sip. Lid on. Into the backpack. Beat. Beat. Out of the backpack. Lid off, sip. Lid on. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Until finally he reached into his backpack and pulled out a small book instead of the jam jar. “Here we go,” I thought. “Something interesting is about to happen.” Isn’t there always, with people who drink hot things out of jam jars on trains?

There was a carpenter’s pencil inside the small book, which was actually a journal. I learned both of these things because I watched him open the book-that-was-a-journal, because I was looking for the interesting thing and in looking I could not help but watch.

The use of carpenter’s pencils by people who are not carpenters or in some related field is another thing I feel conflicted about. I imagine that the notes my dear doctor friend takes of our time together read much like a shopping list. Jam jars. Carpenter’s pencils. Diet coke.

“elpeets,” he wrote. That’s all, enough lines down that he was writing in the center of the page. “elpeets.”

I’m thinking about moving this show on over to Wordpress. I figured out the difference between the two (immediately after learning that there ARE two) and then almost spent real money on a domain name, until I realized that part of what I was paying for was for the server (right? That’s a name of a thing, right?) to NOT share my name and address? I have to pay for that!? I don’t even enable comments, never mind enabling you people to show up at my house WHICH YOU OBVIOUSLY WOULD. But whatever, I’ll probably maybe do that because there’s no Blogger app for iOS (that’s another name right? Am I right!?) and I just don’t have the time or the inclination these days to sit at a computer and write. (Not counting the last ten minutes of work, when I don’t have anything I feel like starting on before I blow this pop stand, but I want to look busy so I don’t have to talk to my office buddy, which is now.) I’m on my phone much more than I’m near a computer for fun reasons and not work reasons, and I think I’d like to blog more. I don’t know why I like it, I just do. So. We’ll see.