Wednesday, May 20, 2015

like snow, like gold

 CURRENTLY: Because sometimes you sort of want to blog but you're bad at driving thought trains and also you're supposed to be doing Actual Things, not writing into the abyss, but if you give it some form it kind of feels a little bit more productive and so you can justify doing it instead of the Actual Things. Only not really. Not really at all. 

Listening to Andrew Bird. If I started doing this five minutes ago, though, my answer would have been "YouTube tutorials on how to glue flowers to your face." As if eyelash glue is something I need in my life. Maybe should just focus on mastering "picking out pants," girlfriend.

Cooking not an ever-loving thing because my live-in chef is doing it for me. Just kidding, he's at the gym. What I do have is a 20% off Seamless coupon sitting pretty in my inbox, which I will be using so that I do not have to wash any dishes tonight. Just doing my part to conserve water. If you're wondering why I'M not at the gym, it is also in the interest of conservation and not because I don't want to. If you're wondering.

Reading a whole lot of Jennifer Weiner-y books because if it costs 99 cents and you send me a colorful email about it I'll probably buy ten of whatever it is. Whenever I'm buying something I don't need I try really hard to channel Suze Orman and if that doesn't work I remind myself of the wise words of Juelz Santana: "I don't play when it comes to money, guess that's why I'm okay when it comes to money." But usually my desire for glitter nail polish or cat sweaters defeats my better judgment. And usually my better judgment doesn't even put up that good of a fight; it's embarrassing, actually. I feel like "The House We Grew Up In" by Lisa Jewell might have been a good investment of my dollar, though. I'll let you know. Please just sit where you are and continue refreshing this page until my review is posted. Which might be never, because I don't post book reviews. Also I might never finish another book ever again, because ever since I started walking to work instead of taking the train I read way less. I have to train myself to read at other times that were previously designated to doing other things or learn to incorporate reading into other activities that I already do a lot. Like, I can read while I'm brushing my teeth. Or while I'm dusting, although that would mean I'd have to start dusting. I guess I could read instead of writing this dumb blog post.

I don't remember what we were talking about in all these pictures, but I bet you it was "My butt really hurts, this fence is a bad chair." I forgot I was supposed to order dinner twenty minutes ago. I wish there was a 20% faster coupon. I'd pay 20% more for that.

What am I doing what am I doing.