Monday, July 21, 2014

Today I uploaded all of the pictures that I've taken since I got a new camera in January. There are like, 100. No, I do not think it's lazy writing to write things like, "There are like __." Because this is where I talk at the internet and that is how I talk. How I speak? It's how I make words. And speaking of my mother - she's, like, so cute:

So thank you, Past Lindsay, for only spending fifty dollars on an Amazon clearance camera. Present Lindsay admires your frugality and appreciates that you exercised such self-awareness when making this purchase; good job not giving up food for a month for the camera you thought you wanted for a minute, because as it turns out dust will collect on anything, no matter how much it cost.

There are mostly blurry pictures of me drinking different things, which makes it seems like I have 175% more of an active drinking life than I actually do:

I always get to A Thing and think, "Huh. I should've brought my camera." But then, everyone else has one or they have their phone and I realize that whatever The Thing is will be documented to death without me and so I then think, "MEH" and go on about my business. And anyone else's business I think might be interesting. And I don't have Facebook and I'm a shitty blogger so some people don't even get why I bother taking pictures because evidently the only point of them is to put them on the internet. WELL THERE IS ANOTHER POINT TO THEM, and that is to sit on my camera for however long I feel like.

I started to go through and organize them, but I got bored of that and started just randomly fucking around with the colors on random pictures? And I made it through when Diego's friend came to visit from Italy (we somehow wound up at Eataly, which I thought was weird but he didn't so whatever - also, I like that Diego looks like a zombie a little in that picture which is why I chose it if you were wondering) and when BFF got her MSW from Columbia, NBD (what is a VBD is that belt, she made it herself, thanks Ivy League) and then I had to stop because I couldn't. I have to just start over. If I'm even going to keep non sensing here. I feel like it right now. So let's see. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU I KNOW.

This is me circa last night. In case you like to picture me while you read this. Or in case you're like my grandmother who is still bitter about never getting any of my school pictures from elementary school. I didn't wear makeup or a bra in any of those pictures, either. Also that is my yard, basically. Picture me being really pleased about it, and the fact that I can look at Manhattan whenever I want to but I don't have to wake up there anymore. I mean I still go there every day but I get to sleep in real life now.

My roots as proof that I neglect myself, too, not just my camera.

RIP Princess House. Y U M, sexy Mexican librarian.

Okay this is too unfocused even for me. rahh