Wednesday, October 12, 2011

This whole posting every day thing is a mean trick I am playing. Don't let those walls down just yet, devoted readers, because I will leave you emotionally devastated and gasping for metaphorical breath. It's not you, it's me. And you, a little.

Anyway, this isn't a real post at all, only a shameless plug for my school. (I don't have a real Facebook, so enjoy the spam, Blogger!) I have never seen an episode of Glee and probably never will (for a plethora of reasons, one of which being that if I am going to endure young people being all shiny-faced and covering songs then that young person is going to be me and I am going to endure it via my bedroom/bathroom mirror) BUT they are giving a million dollars to fund school music programs. The music teacher at my school worked really hard to make this video, and I only wish I'd had time to submit all the footage I have of kids being completely amazing and legitimately talented dancers/performers. I'm dying to share some right now but I can't post media of the young 'uns! You'll just have to take my word for it. I promise you there is something in the water in Hunt's Point, because these kids are incredible. And they have literally nothing. So come on, you have two clicks in you. I know you can do it. I believe in you, too.

Vote! (You can vote once a day every day until November 7th. So do it. I'm watching you.)