Thursday, July 22, 2021

The first things that she took from me were selfishness and sleep
She broke a thousand heirlooms I was never meant to keep
She filled my life with color, cancelled plans and trashed my car
But none of that is ever who we are


Oh but all the wonders I have seen I will see a second time
From inside of the ages through your eyes


Planning: A third birthday party. When asked what theme she wanted, the birthday girl replied "Garbage!" 

Eating: The theme for my diet lately is also "garbage." This month it felt like it was either Joe or I at the doctor every week for one thing or another, and now I've got a weird gastrointestinal thing happening that I will not describe for you no matter how much you beg and plead. Anyway despite knowing full well that eating better will make me feel better, my personal vegetable to Funfetti cookie ratio is grossly out of proportion. GROSS. LY. 

Feeling: Fine, all things considered. I'm feeling a lot better about our apartment lately - not that I ever felt bad about it, you know, but just not settled. Yesterday I made time to decorate our bedroom a little so that it feels more like an actual bedroom and less like a thruway and that helped a ton. We've been moved in since April and I'm only just now beginning to feel like I've got furniture in the right places, mostly. Probably. For now. The yard was the part we were most excited about and there's still SO much work to do back there - we've got a lot of plants and some chairs and things but like. I don't know, we're thinking about throwing down some wood chips or something? Also I'm going to make a bench. I KNOW. 

Loving: Adventures with Joe. We spend almost every morning at the playground, which we both love. (One of the best things to come out of pandemic life for me was having the opportunity - after the months of quarantine, obviously - to socialize so much with other moms and develop some actual real friendships, all thanks to the playground.) But it's nice to break it up sometimes - the zoo is always a solid day trip pick because of the goats, as I've mentioned, and we've also become big fans of taking the ferry to the Wall Street pier to look at the boats and the water and eat ice cream and chase birds. We also accidentally started an unofficial tour of NYC carousels, so perhaps I'll have Joe do some guest posts on here reviewing each of them. 

Being tired of: This, for now. Also should probably get some work done so I can keep us in quarters for the goat food machines. Byee