The time the remote server went down because fairies chewed the magic cords or whatever and Diego happened to be in the neighborhood of my office with a vehicle so I had him pick up my desktop so I could use a different magic cord to do work and it was not a very good use of my kitchen table plus I couldn't stand in the kitchen at night and eat cookies without thinking of work so I 10/10 do not recommend. Thankfully it's back at my work desk where it belongs - right next to my work coffee cup and hooked up to its two monitors like God intended. |
The time it was all just too much so we gave up went out for juice and cookies and it was really unclear if Joe liked her cookie because she ate the whole thing but she made this face the whole time |
The time once a week where Joe spends the morning with her dad until her sitter comes and neither of them are very good at pigtails but both of them make her smile like this so it's okay |
She's so good at feeling all of the feelings and I hope she never loses that - the donut, the slouch, the clutching of Bear's paw, the mean mug, and the single tear on her cheek... I mean, really. |
As Seen By a WAHM: I would be more concerned about this but as a child of the nineties I used to position myself close enough to the TV so that I could use my foot to change the channel because we almost never had a working remote and I turned out mostly pretty fine so. |
The time we picked up bubbles and prescription drugs from the pharmacy and also did extreme sports |
The time we met and fell in love with Julie, who is now on our Top 5 List of Favorite Park Dogs. |
Loungewear |
We're moving and I'll miss this light
Early on Saturday morning I went in to the office to get some work done in blessed, beautiful solitude. For some reason though, my alarm code wouldn't work and the alarm went off and I kept putting my code in over and over and getting sweaty as one does when they set off an alarm and I woke up my boss and eventually we got it sorted out and I did many hours of work and then I went to get my baby and eat tacos and pack boxes.
Earlier this week, I stopped at three different ATMs on my way home from work (yes that's right, twice in one week and I hate it but also love it but also hate it) and none of them would give me any money. In fact, they all had pretty rude things to say about errors and rejections. So I just came straight home and told the sitter that I couldn't pay her because I'm barely an adult and need a sitter myself and she said that she believed me based on the contents of my fridge and that it was okay I could pay her later and then she went home.
I realized as I was washing dishes last night that I'd been trying to disarm the security system with my debit pin and entering my alarm code into the ATM machines.
That's it, that's the story.