Monday, October 10, 2016

I think when you are truly stuck, 
when you have stood still in the same spot for too long, 
you throw a grenade in exactly the spot you were standing in, 
and jump, and pray. 
It is the momentum of last resort. 

I went to sleep half-listening to the debate last night, less because I’m a responsibly engaged adult citizen and more because Diego was watching it next to me and I had no choice. Honest to God I’m building a wall in our bed, and he’s paying for it. Make bedtime great again. Other terrible, half-hearted joke. My heart is too heavy, and my brain still hasn’t wrapped itself around the fact that this whole situation is something it needs to take seriously.

Not to make light of something that is actually horrifying, but this whole election reminds me of that one friend we all have who can’t tell when the joke’s over and ruins it for everybody. Except that instead of everybody rolling their eyes or changing the subject or saying SHUT UP DEREK, some people think Derek should drive us all home. Even though Derek is clearly hammered.

I got to fall asleep between clean sheets in a home that no one is bombing. I am trying not to take things for granted.

- Date night, we’re gross (but you get to see the Beverly Marsh sink, sooo)
- The candles I’m burning to make room for a new batch that should arrive tomorrow by the grace of UPS (there was a sale! I had a coupon! I am le weak!)
- Tom Wolfe keeping me company while I washed my socks on Saturday morning
- American Horror Story Coven, because it’s Halloween (I know I’m late to every show but I had to nope out of the first episode of the second season like eight times before I remembered that it’s okay to skip things if they’re terrible – NO IT STILL FEELS WEIRD PLEASE ASSURE ME THAT I’M NOT MISSING SUBTLE PLOT POINTS BECAUSE I DIDN’T WATCH THE SECOND SEASON GAH.) I like it embarrassingly a lot. It’s like when I first read Harry Potter and wished so hard that Hogwarts was real, except that now I just wish I could pull off that one witch’s red hair. Also though I’d like to live in the woods by myself and listen to Stevie Nicks all day so I guess I’d take her hair, too. Ugh. Witches. Living the life.
- The outfit I picked out but wore only to the bodegs because it was raining and pizza delivery is an option and lately I am very into cancelling plans if I didn’t buy tickets for them because we have some busy weekends coming up and then it will be The Holidays and so I will take any opportunity I can to be the bottom of a blanket pile, thanks very much.