The other day a ladybug landed on me and I made a wish on it, duh, because ladybugs landing on you = good luck and wishes. Any scientist worth their spots knows that. About eight minutes ago, my friend and I were outside DEFINITELY NOT SMOKING, OFFICER and another ladybug landed on me. So I tried to get it to climb on my finger so I could make sure it definitely heard my wish (more science) and I realized it was dead. DEAD. It had landed on me and died. (Keep in mind, I didn't kill it with my finger. It was already dead when I put my finger NEXT to it. CAREFULLY.) "What does that mean!?" I frantically asked my friend. She didn't know. So I ditched her unhelpful ass and came inside and asked Google what it meant. And I found out that: "If [a ladybug] dies while it's on you, it's supposed to mean that you might go hungry." Also: "If the spots on the wings of a Ladybug are more than seven, it's a sign of coming famine." There were more then seven spots. Dun dun dun! Assuming folklore = science (which is always a good thing to assume, you know) I'm about to have a grumbling tummy in my life.
So it's weird about the dead ladybug thing, because things don't uuuusually die when they touch me and also because the crazy-girl part of my brain has been annoyingly focused on my weight
since I was a fetus these past few weeks. Not like, after-school special status or anything super dangerous, but the proportion of thoughts about my weight to thoughts about things I truly do value has been OFF. And bear with me while I wax philosophical for a moment, but I wonder if the universe is somehow warning me against spiritual hunger. Or something. I could expand on that but since I really don't have much to say about my "body issues" (SO DUMB, and you'd rather read about kittens anyway) that's different from what any other lady has to say about theirs, I will spare you what would be the longest, most arduous blog ever. You're welcome. Anyway I guess my main thing is that I have come way too far in other parts of my life to let this nonsense take up as much space in my head as it sometimes does.
MOVING ON, here are some things I am excited about:
1. Playing with my babies in one week!!! I cannot even. akkjertkcvls
Someday soon I should do a blog called Top Ten Photos That Illustrate How Un-Photogenic I Am. |
2. In less than one week, my friend's birthday and the celebration[s] surrounding it.
2 1/2. Being in the same city as some of my favorite people for an entire weekend.
2 3/4. Having an excuse to wear the sparkliest dress ever. Not that I need an excuse, per se.
3. Printing out my midterm grades and duct-taping them to the fridge. I AM A GENIUS, FOLKS.
4. I am planning a not-so-secret road trip. It's going to be magical. Get excited, friends on the east coast.