Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh, Akin. You legitimately made my jaw drop.

Rape is not funny. (I especially dislike when folks use it as slang. Just, no.) Here is a joke about it anyway:

How about, let's teach our sons to respect women. And other men. And it might be a good idea to teach our daughters the same thing. And how about we teach them all to respect themselves. And then maybe the Kelly Kapoors* of the world will stop crying wolf.

I am in no way saying that any woman "asks" to be raped, ever. I am saying that we need to teach our daughters (and sons) to make smart choices and take responsibility for their actions. Not in any way shape or form to defend or support any such thing as a magical rape-detecting uterus, but there are indeed females who claim to have been raped when truthfully they have not. Years ago, when a lady bagged some gentleman and then was like OH WHOOPS THAT WAS DUMB she probably wouldn't have said anything at all. She would've kept it a secret and hoped nobody found out. Today some of the ladies who find themselves in that situation choose to be all loud and OH HEY YOU RAPED ME instead of accepting and dealing with the fact that they made a decision they are unhappy with. Of course, rape existed years ago as well. And women were keeping that secret, too. So to me the obvious solution is to open up a dialogue. Just talk about it. A lot. And be honest. And maybe when we're all talking, the stigmas or whatever it is keeping people afraid and ashamed will start to fall away. And maybe "real" rape won't stop happening (because it isn't about sex, after all) but at least there will be less fuel for idiot politicians without a firm grasp on human biology.

*Kelly, you know I love you girl. But seriously don't keep doing that.