Wednesday, November 6, 2019

On Halloween we trick-or-treated for the first time as a family and the felt and pipe cleaners that I hot glued onto our hoodies were a real hit. For those of you who didn't grow up watching Mexican television shows, we all dressed up as "El Chapulín Colorado," AKA this guy:


For Día de Muertos we went to an event at the Museum of Natural History. We arrived promptly at nap time so before the actual festival we got to browse the meteors and skeletons while Doodle snoozed in her stroller.

[In spite of the fact that it was Saturday at a crowded museum, it was the best possible activity we could have chosen. For whatever reasons, chemical or planetary or whatever, last week was a challenge. I was just blue, and honestly I'm still coming out of it, but hey! C'est la vie, I'm feeling my feelings, etc. But looking at space rocks and dead people and bugs in the semi-darkness was so, so soothing. Give it a try the next time you're feeling out of sorts.]