Monday, October 14, 2019


Drinking coffee out of a Dunkin Donuts cup. There are a lot of things wrong with this picture; for one thing, there are perfectly good coffee makers in both my home and work kitchens so there’s no reason for me to buy a cup. However the lid of the Contigo tumbler I’ve been using came apart and no matter how many times I watch the nice man on Youtube put his springs back together I can’t get mine reassembled. To be fair to both Contigo and the Youtube man’s video tutorial, I have yet to attempt reassembly without a spirited almost-fourteen-month-old trying to eat said springs. Another thing wrong with this picture is that I’m 96% sure the Dunkin Donuts lady purposely shuts her ears when I tell her how many Splenda I want. This is the same DD lady that hopefully asked “Decaf?” every morning I walked in there pregnant. Everyone I tell about her (and I tell a lot of people about her) (I almost never stop talking about the woman who manages the Dunkin Donuts under the train) is offended at her behavior but I like her a lot. Sometimes stray gentlemen of the transient persuasion get in arguments at this DD and she always peacefully makes everyone happy again and I sincerely doubt that’s in her job description. Plus she gives Zoodle donut holes.

Procrastinating scheduling appointments for all of the creatures. Cat ones and baby ones and Lindsay ones. Mostly the cat ones though; much like our couch, getting Griffon out of the apartment will require some sort of black magic so I’ve got to either dust off the old Book of Spells or get an appointment with the vet that makes house calls. I wonder if the vet does well child visits. And dental surgery. It’d be great to get it all done in one shot. Also procrastinating work. See: This.

Enjoying fall, and being a mommy, and being a mommy in the fall. Fall fall mommy mommy fall. #fall. I’m wearing flannel and kicking crunchy leaves and melting/drinking/burning all the spiced cider pumpkin scented everything because I don’t have a newborn anymore and I am awake to enjoy it all and it is glorious. GLORY. US. Last autumn I was thankful for my healthy baby and for everything good in life that allowed me to stay home with her through the season. This year I’m thankful for full nights of sleep and little bits of time to myself, two things I would do terrible things to get. The older zoodle boodle gets, the more fun things we can do with her, and I’m just so thrilled to have my tiny little buddy to do All the Fall Activities With. And then All the Christmas Ones. And All The Activities For Forever or until she stops wanting to hang out with me as much, which is hopefully when she’s 100 and I’m a ghost.

Drinking lemon ginger tea with honey now because I started this at 7AM and now it’s after 12. And my throat hurts. #fall.

NOT eating the entire bowl of Halloween candy that’s five feet away from me. Not today. I’m not. I won’t. (On Friday I invented a hybrid Snickers/Reese’s candy bar by putting both into my mouth at the same time and then I rode that sad, sad wave all the way into Sunday night and now I have to live with the very unfortunate consequences of my actions AKA if I unbutton this flannel everyone’s going to think I’m knocked up again.)

Reading my tattered copy of Handmaid’s Tale again before I start The Testaments, which I purchased practically before it was written and now am unsure of why I rushed when by the time I actually get around to reading it I’ll surely be able to find it for $1 at any thrift store.

Listening to positive affirmations in the morning instead of podcasts about substance abuse and murder. Unless there’s a really good episode I want to finish, which is mostly. I’ll let you know if it changes my life.

Realizing that I am boring myself and bowing gracefully out.