So I do. The book nearest to where I am curled under seventeen blankets is Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood and the sentence is:
"Nothing he could do about it, although naturally he tried."
Huh. Well let's just see what the next nearest book has to say. And so I send my pale winter claw back out into the world and it comes back with:
"Walking along the Champs-Elysées I keep thinking of my really superb health."
Which, of all the sentences in Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer is I think we can all agree a pretty disappointing one to draw when one is drawing insight into one's love life. So naturally I try again:
"I'll have no goings-on like this in Tim Gray's apartment!"
And I almost stop trying because Jack Kerouac, you can do better than that. Get back on the road and don't come back until you are better at explaining my love life. At this point, if I grab one more book from the row next to my head I run the risk of all of the things falling everywhere which makes me think I should create my own prompt that reads: Observe your bookshelves and draw an unsettling parallel to your love life. Ever the optimist, and ever the cheater at internet prompts, I grab one last book.
"But to both Wang and O-lan it gave a sense of secret richness and reserve."
And I feel fine about that. Thank you, Pearl S. Buck.
And now a series of more iPhone pictures, because it isn't obnoxious. It isn't.
It's my birthday and I just want to be jumping, okay?
Just kidding, I can take a serious picture.
JUST KIDDING you're dumb.
Birthday Bib was really, really good.
Here is a filtered into oblivion for instagram close-up of how good it was:
I might be the only living person who looks WORSE under filters.
I will buy into the whole smartphone thing when my nose stops looking broken and swollen in every picture.
My birthday was so good this year, you guys. I kept trying to settle into the darkness but I just couldn't stay there. Not this year. Not even when I had to carry home a giant birthday cake that weighed roughly the same as a small child (NOT EXAGGERATING, and if the size of that child-sized cake was any indication then Ms. Obama is absolutely not talking about child obesity ENOUGH) because how can I be mad that my boss bought me a birthday cake? How? Even when I had to carry it home in the rain? And then carry it back to work a day later because of being nice and sharing and because I live with two girls not a football team?
And my boyfriend. And my friends. And then my mom came to visit the next weekend and also helped me buy a new camera so I promise not to inundate the internet with stolen phone pictures anymore and I also promise to maybe try and post more things here because I do like it for whatever reason and hopefully you do too, sometimes and anyway just all of the things were so sweet and good and yes.
Oh yeah and I guess Christmas and New Year's happened too, yeah? Yeah.
My mom made Diego a stocking, and as you can see, the cat helped.

Nothing super interesting here, just proof I got dressed and left the house for NYE in NYC, aka my nightmare.
My resolutions include:
-Water myself more (this includes moisturizing my face, which maybe sounds stupid but I never do it ever and it's been helping SO MUCH. why am I late to everything)
-That's it.
Oh, and also getting back in touch with people I've lost contact with over the last feverish (I tried to write fivish but Mr. Mac changed it to feverish which is also a fine description of the last months, so) months. This summer was a complete shitshow transition/cell phone nightmare and along the way I lost numbers, etc. And of course there are numbers that I never ever want to answer, but in losing the numbers I do want to answer I'm afraid of getting them mixed up with the numbers I don't. And so that is my project, because there are people I miss and have been being a bad friend to. I have a lot of cups of coffee to buy.
Oh and also save all of the dollars, because mi novio and I are moving in together when my lease ends. I will expand on this more at a later date, because it does deserve to be expanded on, because when I think about this I do not feel as though I cannot breathe or want to kick bricks or anything. Which is really lovely and nice and he does make me smile pretty big so all in all, you know.
Sorry this and all posts are all over the place, but that is what happens when so much time goes by and you are using a platform on which you never share all the things anyway. All over the place happens. It just does. But it does not mean that I don't love you. Today is my first day of school! And it's an awkward day, sort of, because I am also off from work and so I don't have to be anywhere until 4, 2ish if I want to be a responsible adult and get other things done. Which I do. But that still leaves me with a lot of hours to fill and so, blogging. I guess it could've been "And so, Laundry" but hahaha. I have enough clean unmentionables to last til Saturday. I think.
Lindsay GET UP AND BLOW DRY YOUR HAIR AND GET OUT OF THIS APARTMENT. Also you have to pee so seriously, get up.